Broward Campuses Digital Displays

Any FAU unit or group can submit information.
- Upcoming FAU-sponsored events for students, faculty, or staff
- Upcoming non-FAU events hosted on campus
- Upcoming non-FAU events hosted off campus by FAU partners (library, BC, etc.)
- Schedules of student services (labs, library, owl card center, etc.)
- Safety-related announcements
- Reminders of deadlines or important calendar dates
- Images of student work (art, architecture, etc.)
The originating department or unit (please see hints). The producer has the right to adjust for readability (i.e. increasing font size, reducing sentences to phrases, reducing days and months to abbreviations, reducing or increasing the size of graphics, etc.) but will check first with originator if possible. The document needs to be a JPG image, with a size of 1920 × 1080 pixels (for horizontal displays) or 1080 x 1920 pixels (for the vertical displays).
They are normally uploaded every Friday.
The content is due by Monday of the same week. For more information, you can contact Alberto Fernandez.
They can stay two weeks at one time.
- Use no more than 6 lines of text, fewer words should be the goal.
- Use no font under 18 point, preferably larger.
- Submit only JPG images or PDF files.
- Use short phrases rather than sentences.
- Abbreviate the month and day of the week.
- Each slide is only onscreen for 10 seconds.