Frequently Asked Questions


When do I need to renew my parking permit?

For STUDENTS, permits are issued by semester. Each semester you must log in and activate a new permit.

For FAU employees permits are issued by FISCAL year. Every August, a new permit must be obtained.

ADJUNT professors must obtain their permits each semester.

For contract employees, a new permit must be obtained each FISCAL year.

What is the difference between my profile and ePermit? Are they the same?

Your profile and ePermit are not the same! 

The profile section of the permit portal is used to store vehicle information to quickly fill vehicle information during the ePermit checkout process. Vehicles listed on your profile page are NOT automatically added to your ePermit. 

The ePermit is your actual parking permit. Vehicles must be listed here in order to not recieve citations. 

What is the Transportation Access Fee?
The Transportation Access Fee is a mandatory, non-refundable fee that all students, whether part-time, day or evening, online, or members of the Lifelong Learning Society, are required to pay at the time of registration along with their tuition each semester.  This fee supports the University's transportation infrastructure and increases student access to transportation services. All students including those using other types of transportation are assessed a Transportation Access Fee.
What are the Parking Rules/Regulations?
Please see the Parking Regulations section in the Quick Links menu.
What are the hours of enforcement?
Parking and Transportation regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Can I back into a parking space on FAU campuses?
No! All vehicles must be parked nose in in a parking space.

The state of Florida does not recognize front license plates, therefore FAU does not as well. Vehicles must be pulled nose in.

Your rear license plate must always be facing the aisle! 
Who can park at a parking meter?
Anyone that does not have a valid FAU parking permit is permitted to park and pay at the meters. Anyone with a parking permit is prohibited from using single-use meters or metered lots.   Click here for more information on meters and metered lots. 


Parking Permits

When do I need to renew my parking permit?

For STUDENTS, permits are issued by semester. Each semester you must log in and activate a new permit.

For FAU employees permits are issued by FISCAL year. Every August, a new permit must be obtained.

ADJUNT professors must obtain their permits each semester.

For contract employees, a new permit must be obtained each FISCAL year.

Is there a grace period for getting my permit?
Parking tickets are not issued for not having a permit during the first two weeks of each semester in blue and green lots.  During this period all other violations are enforced, including but not limited to parking out of the assigned area, parking in no parking zones, parking in reserved space, parking on the grass, or hazardous parking. Parking regulations are enforced all other times, including spring break, intersession, and summer semesters. Please see the Parking Regulations section in the Quick Links for more information.
I will temporarily be driving a borrowed or rented vehicle. What should I do?

Valid permit holders are allowed up to two (2) vehicles per ePermit, but please note that only one vehicle may be parked on campus at a time.

To add a vehicle to your permit, please log into the parking portal at  "FAU Parking Login".

Make sure once you have returned the Temporary vehicle to remove it from your account. If not, any citations incurred by the vehicle will be sent to your account.

My vehicle was totaled in an accident or I changed vehicles. How do I get a replacement permit?
Please log into the parking portal at FAU Parking Login to remove your old vehicle from your ePermit and replace it with the new. In order to remove the vehicle, simply click “Remove” on the vehicle in your account.
Where do visitors park?
Please see the Parking Permit Information section under the Parking Permits section in Quick Links.
How do I get a motorcycle permit?
In order to Obtain a Motorcycle ePermit, Please Contact the Parking & Transportation office.
I work at FAU but was not given a ZNumber, how can I obtain a permit?
FAU permits are available to those working on campus, but do not have a ZNumber (ex. Chartwells, Follet, Exela). To obtain your permit, you must visit our office on the Boca campus. Please bring with you: an email address that works best for you, your name, your vehicle information (vehicle make, model, year, color, license plate, and license state), and a method of payment (card, check, or money order; no cash). Contact our office for more information.


Citations and Appeals

How do I appeal a citation?
To appeal a parking citation please use the Citations and Appeals section of the Quick Links menu. 
How do I pay for a Parking Citation?

If you are a faculty, staff, and/or student the following payment methods are available to pay your FAU Parking citation:

Prior to 14 days after issuance :

1) Pay in person (Credit/Debit Card, Check, or Money Order)

2) Pay online (Please use the payment link found in the Citations and Appeals section of the Quick Links menu)

3) Mail payment (Please follow instructions listed on the yellow citation envelope)

After 14 days of issuance:

Payments can be made through your FAU Banner account. For more information please see the payment link found in the Citations and Appeals section of the Quick Links menu


If you are a visitor or guest the following payment methods are available to pay your FAU Parking citation:

1) Pay in person (Credit/Debit Card, Check, or Money Order)

2) Pay online (Please use the payment link found in the Citations and Appeals section of the Quick Links menu)

How long do I have to pay a citation before a late fee is assesed?
Payment for all citations must be received in the Parking and Transportation Services Office by the 14th calendar day after the issuance of the citation.  However, vehicles may not be left in violation and may continue to accrue citations for being in violation.

Student & Faculty/Staff do not recieve late fees on citations

After the 15th day of issuance, as long as a parking permit is active for the student faculty or staff member, the citation will transfer into your MYFAU account.

If you decide to appeal the citation issued, you will have 14 days to appeal from the date of the issued citation.

In order to pay your citation, please use the payment link found in the Citation and Appeals section of the Quick Links menu. 
I parked my Electric Vehicle in an EV charger space and got a citation. Why?

There must be an active charging session when parking in an EV space. If no charging is occurring, you are eligible for a citation for taking up the space that is reserved for charging only.

Parking in the electric vehicle space with no cord plugged into your vehicle is subject to citation.

Plugging into the machine and not starting a charge is subject to citation.

Stopping your charge to avoid idling fees but remining in the space is subject to a citation.



What should I do if I have a Guest Speaker or Interview Candidate come on campus?
Please visit our Event and Department Guest page for information on renting lots for events, please use the link in the Quick Links section. 
I want to rent a lot for an event, how can I do so?
Please visit our Event and Department Guest page for information on renting lots for events, please use the link in the Quick Links section. 
How/Where do I park if I am attending a sporting event?

Please see the following fan guides to find more information on game day parking at FAU:

Game Day Parking

How/Where do I park for graduation?

For more information on graduation parking please see the following webpage: 

Graduation Parking